Vol. VI, Episode 16

To Boil Hominy

Join Will on location at the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition to learn how you can cook your mess' hominy ration.

Boiling Hominy

There were two types of hominy issued: large hominy and small hominy.
Large hominy resembles whole corn while small hominy resembles corn meal.

  • Get a pot and fill it halfway with hominy.
  • Fill the pot nearly to the top with water.
  • Add salt. A handful is sufficient for a large mess pot.
  • Boil it over a moderate fire for about 1 hour.
  • Stir constantly to prevent burning to the bottom.


Get a free PDF version of 'Camp Fires and Camp Cooking, or Culinary Hints for the Soldier' (1862) at the website of the US National Library of Medicine. The recipe for boiling hominy is on page 8.

Have leftover hominy and don't know what to do with it? Don't waste it, fry it! Learn how to fry hominy here.

Interested in learning more about where Will films the episodes for CWDD? Visit the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition here!

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