Vol. VI, Episode 26

Sevey's Salt Pork

Here's another period way to cook the salt pork ration given to us by Pvt. Grove Sevey, veteran of Co. E, 17th Michigan Infantry.

Pvt. Sevey's Recommendation

  • Soak for 3 hours
  • Boil for 3 hours
  • Change water twice
  • Let it cool and then cut into slices

Will's Thoughts

Will changed the water 3 times during the soak, but Sevey most likely meant to change the water during boiling.
Salt continues to leech out of the pork and changing the water during boiling helps keep the water fresh and eliminate the overly salty flavor.

More Ways to Prepare Salt Pork

Want to see other ways to prepare the pork ration? Visit our page here to see different period recipes and methods!

Cooking the Salt Pork Ration

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