Vol. X, Episode 6
Hardtack & Hardtack Crates
The Union armies consumed massive amounts of hardtack during the war. Each soldier was allotted a pound of hardtack per day and a crate holds 50 pounds. With Union force at times totaling over 600,000, that is a lot of hardtack crates everyday! The men learned to repurpose these “Amazon cardboard boxes” of their day in many useful ways. In this episode, Will takes a look at a couple documented utilitarian crate builds.
Interested in Learning More?
Need to know how to make hardtack? Watch our video here on how to make hardtack .
If you'd like more help with making hardtack, try out our hardtack cutter and roller set here at the CWDD store .
Special Thank You!
CWDD would like to give a special thanks to the 125th OVI Fife & Drum Corps for their support and music.
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